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The Clear Path to Youthful Skin

When it comes to looking young, you shouldn’t take any half-steps. Your skin is just too important!

There are many natural products available on the market these days which reduce the amount of problems that skin suffers from, such as age lines and dryness, and you should use them. However you shouldn’t look at them as the be-all-end-all cure for skin problems.  Good skin care products are best used as the primary step to taking care of your skin.  Then, go a little further with a good skin care diet and by following a few key skin care tips.

It is a well-known fact that your diet is also tied to your skin’s health. What you eat directly influences your body and there are a number of foods which you should include in your diet, if you are looking to make your skin look as young as possible. Some common foods which you should check out include:

1.    Tomatoes: It has been found in studies that people who have a diet which is rich in lycopene have smoother skin than those who don’t. Lycopene is also great for protection from sun damage. Lycopene can be found in abundance in tomatoes, so you should really bring out that ketchup bottle!  Oh, and add them to your salads!

2.    Olive oil: many people might believe that having an oil-rich diet might actually be harmful as it might lead to oily skin. However, this is a false myth!Olive oil should be a critical component of your diet as it contains polyphenols, which possess some really powerful anti-aging properties.

3.    Blueberries: One of the biggest causes for skin problems and rapid aging is inflammation.Inflammation can be caused from a variety of different sources, such as long hours of exposure to the sun, stress or even because of environmental problems.The best way to get inflammation under control is to eat blueberries.  Blueberries contain very powerful antioxidants which can battle the free radical damage which comes about as a result of the inflammation.

In addition to a better skin care diet, you should also try and focus on a few additional practices tohelp your skin.

•    Try and stay as protected as you can from the sun if you are going to be outside for a long time. Make sure that you have applied sunscreen or are carrying an umbrella with you.

•    Know what your skin typeis, i.e., oily, dry, etc., and buy the appropriate products for it.  Natural (“green”) products will help give the finest care possible to any type of skin.

While following these tips you can also contact Cell-U-Logic for some excellent skin care products. Their range of products includes the green SPA anti-aging cream, among others.  Protect your skin, and check out their complete range of natural products at Cellulogic.com.

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